Lori's Blog on Books, Writing, and Creativity

Enjoy these articles on my books, writing in general, and the even broader topic of creativity. Although most have been written by me, I invite guests to contribute, too.

Happy reading!

Tag: freelance writer

How Essentrics® Fits with My Writing Business

Lori Wolf-Heffner | April 24, 2019
by Christine Peets, Captions Communications  Your first question might be, “What is Essentrics®?” The answer: a fitness program designed to re-balance the body through simultaneous stretching and strengthening all of…

Svetlana Dvoretsky: The Woman Behind Theatre

Lori Wolf-Heffner | December 4, 2018
A Russian-Canadian Impresario Have you ever heard of the word “impresario”? That’s someone who organizes and maybe even finances performing arts events, including concerts, plays, ballets, operas, and more. It’s…

Mitchell Cushman is on a Curious Voyage

Lori Wolf-Heffner | June 1, 2018
It’s another Hollywood cliché (I seem to be taking a lot of digs at Hollywood lately): the loner who wants to risk it all for his (sometimes her) goal, and…

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