The Love on Belmont series follows special characters as they strive for their dreams while facing the struggles of the journey. When love inconveniently shows up, the residents of Belmont Village, a shopping district in a larger city, wind through deep, emotional moments and light-hearted laughs.
These are some of the people who live in the neighbourhoods around Belmont Village:
And that’s just the beginning. The characters of Love on Belmont face many of life’s difficulties, sometimes in conflict with one another, sometimes as the best of friends. But through it all, they find a way to heal.
And of course, find love.
Cozy up at home with your favourite tea or coffee, and read about the power of love, family, and community in Love on Belmont, a sweet romance series by Lori Wolf-Heffner.
Except when she's in the thick of writing or editing her latest novel. Then she takes a break. But she does write her own newsletters, so it's her words to you.
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