Lori's Blog on Books, Writing, and Creativity

Enjoy these articles on my books, writing in general, and the even broader topic of creativity. Although most have been written by me, I invite guests to contribute, too.

Happy reading!


Being a Canadian Romance Writer: Avoiding Stereotypes. Most of the Time

Lori Wolf-Heffner | July 31, 2023
When you think of a Canadian romance writer, maybe you envision writers sitting in a log cabin, a story idea in their mind, banging it out…um, typing it out in peaceful tranquility.…

What ChatGPT Thinks Between Worlds Is About

Lori Wolf-Heffner | May 12, 2023
ChatGPT is all the rage these days. Like every other curious person, I thought I’d give it a shot. I asked it to write me a blog post about my…

The Creative Process for the Artist in You: A Discussion with a Tap Dancer and a Writer

Lori Wolf-Heffner | October 6, 2022
“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time,…

Giving Books as Gifts to Voracious Reader

Lori Wolf-Heffner | November 11, 2020
It can often be difficult giving books as gifts to an avid reader in your family: You have to know their favourite genres, favourite and disliked authors, and what books…

Book Release! Between Worlds 7: What Will Come

Lori Wolf-Heffner | October 21, 2020
Between Worlds 7: What Will Come releases today! The last of the “second season” of the series, I’m excited to enter into the last few months of such a downer year…

World Mental Health Day and Me

Lori Wolf-Heffner | October 9, 2020
Today is World Mental Health Day, and it’s a day I’ll admit I’m always conflicted about. I sometimes worry that some of the messaging on mental health and mental illness makes…

What Do You Call Books Free from Explicit Content?

Lori Wolf-Heffner | August 11, 2020
I set out to write books free from explicit content, but I didn’t know there was an actual term for that. The term is “clean books,” which isn’t what it…

Writing about Anger While Keeping the Story Uplifting & Real

Lori Wolf-Heffner | June 26, 2020
Have you ever read a story or watched a movie only to be disappointed in the ending because the protagonist won too easily? Don’t get me wrong: sometimes I enjoy…

“Between Worlds,” a Book Series for Teens, Gets a New Look

Lori Wolf-Heffner | September 6, 2019
Starting later this month, you’ll see a new look to my book series for teens, Between Worlds. My graphics designer made some changes to her business, so it no longer…

Between Worlds 4: What Friends Do

Lori Wolf-Heffner | July 25, 2019
It’s officially out! Between Worlds 4: What Friends Do can be ordered starting today. In this instalment to my young adult series, Elisabeth and Juliana are forced to make difficult…

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