Lori's Blog on Books, Writing, and Creativity

Enjoy these articles on my books, writing in general, and the even broader topic of creativity. Although most have been written by me, I invite guests to contribute, too.

Happy reading!

My Interests

Returning to Grad School After 13 Years: What I’ve Learned So Far

Lori Wolf-Heffner | February 28, 2018
Considering grad school? I did. For over 10 years, actually, after I’d completed a Masters and two years of a PhD. Now I have a husband, two kids, a freelancing…

A Different Way to Listen

Lori Wolf-Heffner | February 18, 2017
I’m going to introduce you to a man you have probably never heard of. His name is Joseph Schaeffer. He’s a mediator and educator. If you’ve been around long enough,…

Applying to University? Here are My 9 Regrets About My Studies

Lori Wolf-Heffner | February 11, 2017
In Ontario, young people are supposed to know what to do with their lives by the time they’re 17 so they can start applying to post-secondary education. For me, it…

Another Way for Artists To Torture Themselves: Weightlifting

Lori Wolf-Heffner | November 12, 2016
There I was, attempting not to grunt while lifting weights on our weight equipment, which is conveniently located in our windowless storage room in the basement. I was afraid that grunting…

I Call Myself Granoluppie

Lori Wolf-Heffner | August 19, 2014
I spent the last five weeks of my first pregnancy in the hospital. A nurse and a nurse-in-training were tending to me one afternoon. I forget the conversation, but the…

Creative Gardener or Cheap Gardener?

Lori Wolf-Heffner | December 6, 2013
Earlier this year, my husband and I put in two raised garden beds. Our normal garden, on the other side of the shed, was getting less and less sun as…

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