Lori's Blog on Books, Writing, and Creativity

Enjoy these articles on my books, writing in general, and the even broader topic of creativity. Although most have been written by me, I invite guests to contribute, too.

Happy reading!


Preparing for Parenthood Creatively

Lori Wolf-Heffner | July 22, 2014
Entering parenthood was not an easy road for me. But let me back up. I stayed in university for quite a few years, partly because it was safe. I liked…

The Introvert Who Couldn’t be Alone

Lori Wolf-Heffner | July 2, 2014
Ask any introvert, and one of the things they most likely cherish is time by themselves. I belong to that category, but I have a love/hate relationship with being alone.…

Creative Gardener or Cheap Gardener?

Lori Wolf-Heffner | December 6, 2013
Earlier this year, my husband and I put in two raised garden beds. Our normal garden, on the other side of the shed, was getting less and less sun as…

The Seeds of Childhood – Part 2

Lori Wolf-Heffner | September 12, 2013
I didn’t plan a part 2 when I wrote last week’s blog, but the idea wouldn’t stay quiet. A magnet in my gut pulled me to the computer to publish…

Creating Focus Through the Seeds of Childhood

Lori Wolf-Heffner | September 5, 2013
I find myself often caught up in the freedom of choice we so much enjoy. My collection of unread books testifies to that. However, this wonderful freedom can also lead…

2 of 2 Questions Any Creative Person Should Ask Themselves

Lori Wolf-Heffner | August 13, 2013
Last week I looked at one question any creative person (which is really anybody) should ask themselves when they get down on their work: Can it get any better? The…

1 of 2 Questions Any Creative Person Should Ask Themselves

Lori Wolf-Heffner | August 7, 2013
There are two questions that you need to memorize and train so they become reflexes. I’ll cover the first one today: Can It Get Any Better? We often use the…

Every Little Bit Helps Your Goals

Lori Wolf-Heffner | July 30, 2013
The desire to achieve your dreams can be overwhelming. Maybe you’re trying to stop spending so much, or maybe you’re trying to write or paint more, or maybe you dream…

Practicing Your Creativity

Lori Wolf-Heffner | July 8, 2013
Ever practiced your creativity? If you’re like me, probably never. So when I read Daphne Gray-Grant’s three blog posts on deliberate practice, I was intrigued. I thought you had to…

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